Laura Lopez Honorez - Dark matter from FIMP to WIMP through co-scattering:

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RTG seminar on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

  • Seminar talk
Wann 03.02.2021
von 16:00 bis 18:00
Kontakttelefon 0761-203 5715
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In my talk I will discuss the dark matter production mechanisms going from the most feebly coupled DM scenarios with production mechanisms such as super-WIMP, Freeze-in and conversion driven freeze-out to the standard paradigm of the WIMP and the associated standard Freeze-out. I'll also discuss the typical signatures to be expected, from particle, astro-particle physics experiments and cosmology. For illustration,  I'll walk you through this dark matter landscape considering the simple case of a lepto-philic dark matter scenario.

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