Seminar Series

Winter Term 2024/2025


Date Speaker Title Abstract/pdf-file time and place
13.11.2024 Robert Harlander, RWTH Aachen The evolution of the particle concept  ILIAS HS I, 16ct
20.11.2024 Belina von Krosigk, Uni Heidelberg DELight: how Dark Matter makes helium sweat  ILIAS HS I, 16ct

Student speakers
Fabian Lex

Sebastian Schuhmacher

Characterisation of Irradiated, Passive CMOS Strip Sensors

Effective Field Theories for Heavy Higgs Bosons in Standard Model Extensions

  HS I, 16ct
15.01.2025 Marlene Turner, CERN Status and future of plasma acceleration  ILIAS HS I, 16ct
29.01.2025 Herbert Dreiner, Universität Bonn Testing Locality via Bell’s Inequality or testing Entanglement at Colliders?  ILIAS HS I, 16ct
05.02.2025 Philip Sommer Vector-Boson Scattering - current status and future prospects  ILIAS HS I, 16ct



Summer Term 2024


Date Speaker Title Abstract/pdf-file time and place
08.05.2024 Nadia Pastrone (Torino) Towards a multi-TeV Muon Collider    HS I, 16ct

Student talks:

José Luis Hernando


Tiffany Luce


Precise calculations for tau-pair production in ultraperipheral collisions


Operating digital SiPMs in cryogenic liquid xenon

  HS I, 16ct
29.05.2024 Eleni Vryonidou (Manchester) Quantum tops at collider experiments   HS I, 16ct
12.06.2024 Julien Lesgourgues (Aachen) Challenges in precision cosmology   HS I, 16ct
26.06.2024 Felix Sefkow (DESY) Calorimetry for particle physics - status and future directions -   HS I, 16ct

will be postponed to WS 24/25


Philip Sommer (Dresden) Vector boson scattering - present status and future prospects -   HS I, 16 ct

will be postponed to WS 24/25


Heidi Rzehak Challenges for Physics Beyond the Standard Model   HS I, 16 ct



Winter Term 2023/2024


Date Speaker Title Abstract/pdf-file time and place
08.11.2023 Alfons Weber, Uni Mainz DUNE - Precision Neutrino Physics of the Future  ILIAS HS I, 16ct
22.11.2023 Sven Heinemeyer, KIT The future of Higgs physics  ILIAS HS I, 16ct
29.11.2023 Pedro Schwaller Search for new physics with gravitational waves  ILIAS HS I, 16ct

Student talks:

Baktash Amini


Ahmed Markhoos

Measurement of the Tau lepton identification efficiencies in the Run 3 data of the LHC with the ATLAS detector

Measurement of ggF and VBF Higgs-Boson Production Cross Sections in H→WW∗→lνlν decays at ATLAS

ILIAS HS I, 16ct
20.12.2023       HS I, 16ct



Nadia Pastrone, INFN Torino will be postponed to summer semester    
17.01.2024 Saverio Braccini, University of Bern High energy physics in modern medicine   HS I, 16 ct
David Berge, DESY will be postponed to summer semester   HS I, 16 ct
Fabio Maltoni, University of Bologna will be postponed to summer semester   HS I, 16ct
07.02.2024 Rikkert Frederix In the weeds of collider simulations: navigating negative weights   HS I, 16ct



Summer Term 2023


Date Speaker Title Abstract/pdf-file time and place
19.04.2023 Jörg Jäckel, Universität Heidelberg Dark Matter Axions and ALPs in the Lab, in Theory and in the Sky


Slides in ILIAS

HS I, 16ct
03.05.2023 Suchita Kulkarni, University of Graz Testing new physics in the neutrino sector Slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct
24.05.2023 Magnus Mager, CERN The ALICE Vertex Detector (ITS3) for LS3


Slides in ILIAS

HS I, 16ct

Physicists in industry


Evelyn Moser, ENBW Energie

Philipp Jörg,

Einblicke in die Aufgaben eines Data Scientist in der Energiewirtschaft

Schlüsseltechnologie am Herzschlag der Digitalisierung

Slides Moser HS I, 16ct
14.06.2023 Giampiero Passarino, INFN LHC physics analysed and interpreted in the framework of Effective Field Theories Slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct

Fällt aus:

Tomas Jezo, Universität Münster

Accurate and realistic predictions for top quarks with POWHEG BOX RES/bb4l   HS I, 16ct

Student talks:
Naman Kumar Bhalla


Ilia Kalaitzidou

Lepton-Flavour-Violating Decays of Higgs and Other Bosons Using Data-Driven Background Estimation


Search for A → ZH → vvbb with the ATLAS detector

Slides Bhalla


Slides Kalaitzidou

HS I, 16 ct


Ayres Freitas, University of Pittsburgh

 Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil I Slides in ILIAS HS I, 14 - 16


Ayres Freitas,University of Pittsburgh

 Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil II Slides in ILIAS HS I, 10 - 12

Fällt aus:

David Berge, DESY Zeuthen

Status and Prospects of CTA, also in view of dark matter   HS I, 16ct


Ayres Freitas, University of Pittsburgh

 Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil III Slides in ILIAS HS I, 16 - 18



Rafaela Hillerbrand, KIT t.b.a.   HS I, 16ct



Winter Term 2022/2023


Date Speaker Title Abstract/pdf-file time and place
02.11.2022 Joachim Kopp, CERN / Mainz
Sterile neutrinos and their implications for new physics
slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct
09.11.2022 Ulrich Uwer, Heidelberg University Searching for New Phenomena at 30 MHz: The Real-Time Analysis Project of LHCb slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct
07.12.2022 Andre Hoang, University of Vienna
Renormalons in High-Precision Predictions
slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct

Student talks



Oleksandr Burlayenko


Robin Glade-Beucke

Measurement of Top-Quark Pair Spin Correlation in the Lepton + Jets Channel Using the ATLAS Experiment​ 
XENONnT - Writing photons to disk
  HS I, 16ct
11.01.2023 Kilian Schwarz, DESY
PUNCH4NFDI: what can it do for you
slides in ILIAS HS I, 16ct
18.11.2023 Helmut Burkhardt
The High Luminosity LHC: Challenges and Status
  HS I, 16ct
25.01.2023 Noam Tal Hod, Weizmann Institute of Science
Bitte geänderte Anfangszeiten beachten:
The LUXE experiment and its NPOD extension (new physics searches at optical dump)
abstract HS I, 12 ct
08.02.2023  Stefan Gieseke, KIT
  HS I, 16ct







Past Seminar Series  (Summer 2015 - Summer 2022)


Contact WS 24/25

Prof. Dr. Markus Schumacher

Prof. Dr. Markus Schumacher
Tel. 203-7612



Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier 

Prof. Dr. Stefan Dittmaier
Tel. 203-5873



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