Seminar Series
Winter Term 2024/2025
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract/pdf-file | time and place |
13.11.2024 | Robert Harlander, RWTH Aachen | The evolution of the particle concept | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
20.11.2024 | Belina von Krosigk, Uni Heidelberg | DELight: how Dark Matter makes helium sweat | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
18.12.2024 | Student speakers
| Characterisation of Irradiated, Passive CMOS Strip Sensors Effective Field Theories for Heavy Higgs Bosons in Standard Model Extensions | HS I, 16ct | |
15.01.2025 | Marlene Turner, CERN | Status and future of plasma acceleration | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
29.01.2025 | Herbert Dreiner, Universität Bonn | Testing Locality via Bell’s Inequality or testing Entanglement at Colliders? | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
05.02.2025 | Philip Sommer | Vector-Boson Scattering - current status and future prospects | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
Summer Term 2024
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract/pdf-file | time and place |
08.05.2024 | Nadia Pastrone (Torino) | Towards a multi-TeV Muon Collider | HS I, 16ct | |
15.05.2024 | Student talks: José Luis Hernando
Tiffany Luce |
Precise calculations for tau-pair production in ultraperipheral collisions
Operating digital SiPMs in cryogenic liquid xenon | HS I, 16ct | |
29.05.2024 | Eleni Vryonidou (Manchester) | Quantum tops at collider experiments | HS I, 16ct | |
12.06.2024 | Julien Lesgourgues (Aachen) | Challenges in precision cosmology | HS I, 16ct | |
26.06.2024 | Felix Sefkow (DESY) | Calorimetry for particle physics - status and future directions - | HS I, 16ct | |
will be postponed to WS 24/25
| Philip Sommer (Dresden) | Vector boson scattering - present status and future prospects - | HS I, 16 ct | |
will be postponed to WS 24/25
| Heidi Rzehak | Challenges for Physics Beyond the Standard Model | HS I, 16 ct |
Winter Term 2023/2024
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract/pdf-file | time and place |
08.11.2023 | Alfons Weber, Uni Mainz | DUNE - Precision Neutrino Physics of the Future | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
22.11.2023 | Sven Heinemeyer, KIT | The future of Higgs physics | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
29.11.2023 | Pedro Schwaller | Search for new physics with gravitational waves | ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
06.12.2023 | Student talks: Baktash Amini
Ahmed Markhoos | Measurement of the Tau lepton identification efficiencies in the Run 3 data of the LHC with the ATLAS detector
| ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
20.12.2023 | HS I, 16ct | |||
cancelled 10.01.2024 | Nadia Pastrone, INFN Torino | will be postponed to summer semester | ||
17.01.2024 | Saverio Braccini, University of Bern | High energy physics in modern medicine | HS I, 16 ct | |
cancelled 24.01.2024 | David Berge, DESY | will be postponed to summer semester | HS I, 16 ct | |
cancelled 31.01.2024 | Fabio Maltoni, University of Bologna | will be postponed to summer semester | HS I, 16ct | |
07.02.2024 | Rikkert Frederix | In the weeds of collider simulations: navigating negative weights | HS I, 16ct |
Summer Term 2023
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract/pdf-file | time and place |
19.04.2023 | Jörg Jäckel, Universität Heidelberg | Dark Matter Axions and ALPs in the Lab, in Theory and in the Sky | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
03.05.2023 | Suchita Kulkarni, University of Graz | Testing new physics in the neutrino sector | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
24.05.2023 | Magnus Mager, CERN | The ALICE Vertex Detector (ITS3) for LS3 | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
Physicists in industry 07.06.2023 | Evelyn Moser, ENBW Energie Philipp Jörg, | Einblicke in die Aufgaben eines Data Scientist in der Energiewirtschaft Schlüsseltechnologie am Herzschlag der Digitalisierung | Slides Moser | HS I, 16ct |
14.06.2023 | Giampiero Passarino, INFN | LHC physics analysed and interpreted in the framework of Effective Field Theories | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
21.06.2023 | Fällt aus: Tomas Jezo, Universität Münster | Accurate and realistic predictions for top quarks with POWHEG BOX RES/bb4l | HS I, 16ct | |
28.06.2023 | Student talks:
Ilia Kalaitzidou | Lepton-Flavour-Violating Decays of Higgs and Other Bosons Using Data-Driven Background Estimation
Search for A → ZH → vvbb with the ATLAS detector |
| HS I, 16 ct |
04.07.2023 | Blockvorlesung Ayres Freitas, University of Pittsburgh | Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil I | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 14 - 16 |
05.07.2023 | Blockvorlesung Ayres Freitas,University of Pittsburgh | Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil II | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 10 - 12 |
05.07.2023 | Fällt aus: David Berge, DESY Zeuthen | Status and Prospects of CTA, also in view of dark matter | HS I, 16ct | |
12.07.2023 | Blockvorlesung Ayres Freitas, University of Pittsburgh | Electroweak Precision Physics, Teil III | Slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16 - 18 |
cancelled 19.07.2023 | Rafaela Hillerbrand, KIT | t.b.a. | HS I, 16ct |
Winter Term 2022/2023
Date | Speaker | Title | Abstract/pdf-file | time and place |
02.11.2022 | Joachim Kopp, CERN / Mainz | Sterile neutrinos and their implications for new physics | slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
09.11.2022 | Ulrich Uwer, Heidelberg University | Searching for New Phenomena at 30 MHz: The Real-Time Analysis Project of LHCb | slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
07.12.2022 | Andre Hoang, University of Vienna | Renormalons in High-Precision Predictions | slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
Student talks 14.12.2022 | Oleksandr Burlayenko
Robin Glade-Beucke | Measurement of Top-Quark Pair Spin Correlation in the Lepton + Jets Channel Using the ATLAS Experiment XENONnT - Writing photons to disk | HS I, 16ct | |
11.01.2023 | Kilian Schwarz, DESY | PUNCH4NFDI: what can it do for you | slides in ILIAS | HS I, 16ct |
18.11.2023 | Helmut Burkhardt | The High Luminosity LHC: Challenges and Status | HS I, 16ct | |
25.01.2023 | Noam Tal Hod, Weizmann Institute of Science | Bitte geänderte Anfangszeiten beachten: The LUXE experiment and its NPOD extension (new physics searches at optical dump) | abstract | HS I, 12 ct |
08.02.2023 | Stefan Gieseke, KIT | Hadronization | HS I, 16ct |
Past Seminar Series (Summer 2015 - Summer 2022)