gefördert durch die
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

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GRK 2044
Physikalisches Institut
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Hermann-Herder-Str. 3
79104 Freiburg

+49 761 203 5715

Seminar Evaluation

Please select the talk you would like to review and provide some information about yourself.

You can rate the level of the talk from -5 (too easy) to 5 (too hard) (0 meaning a perfect level) and rate the rest with german school grades (1 to 6 for very good to very bad).

-5 for way too easy, 0 for perfect, 5 for way too high
Was it interesting for you? (1-6, 1=good & 6=bad)
style, clarity, font size etc. (1-6, 1=good & 6=bad)
Was the talk relevant for your work? (1-6, 1=good & 6=bad)
loudness, clearness etc. (1-6, 1=good & 6=bad)
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