RTG Fall Workshop 24. - 26. September 2018
This year's Annual Fall Workshop will take place from 24.-26. September 2018 in the Hotel Schloß Hornberg in the beautiful Gutachtal
Workshop Venue
Hotel Schloß Hornberg
Auf dem Schloßberg 1
78132 Hornberg / Schwarzwald
Tel.: +49 (0) 7833 9655-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7833 96 55 60 5
Email: info@schloss-hornberg.de
(Quelle:istockphoto.com, fotolia.de)
Registration for RTG members
Onlline registration is now closed.
Scientific Programme now online
Stefania Gori, UC Santa Cruz
Beyond the Standard Model Higgs bosons and dark sectors at the LHC
Abstract: I will discuss the motivations and phenomenology of a set of models containing beyond the Standard Model Higgs bosons with a mass either above or below 125 GeV. I will show how Higgs bosons can be used to unravel the presence of dark particles, i.e. particles not charged under the gauge symmetries of the SM. I will particularly highlight the discovery prospects for these new degrees of freedom at the LHC Run III and at the HL-LHC.
Link to slides part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Harald Pfeiffer, Albert-Einstein-Institut, MPI Potsdam
Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Abstract: Direct gravitational wave observations from coalescing binary black holes and binary neutron stars have opened a new window to observe the universe, to learn about some of the most extreme objects within it, and to further our understanding of the fundamental theory of gravity. Particular notable were the first observation of a binary black hole merger on Sep 14, 2015, as well as the multi-messenger observation of two coalescing neutron stars on Aug 17, 2017. These lectures will give a brief overview of this subject area. After an introduction about gravitational waves, black holes & neutron stars, we will briefly describe the interferometric gravitational wave detectors and analysis methods at the heart of the current observations. We will do an in-depth tour of the results obtained since the first GW discovery on Sep 14, 2015. The lectures will close with an outlook on future plans and prospects, both in the currently active high-frequency band, as well as the low-frequency and ultra-low-frequency bands.
Igor Irastorza, University of Zaragoza
Experimental searches for axions and axion-like particles
Abstract: Axions and other very light axion-like particles (ALPs) appear in many extensions of the Standard Model, and are leading candidates to compose part or all of the missing matter of the Universe. They also appear in models of inflation, dark radiation, or even dark energy, and could solve some long-standing astrophysical anomalies. The physics case of these particles has been considerably developed in recent years, and there are now useful guidelines and powerful motivations to attempt experimental detection. Admittedly, the lack of positive signal of new physics at the high energy frontier, and in underground detectors searching for weakly interacting massive particles, is also contributing to the increase of the interest in axion searches. The experimental landscape is rapidly evolving, with many novel detection concepts and new experiments being proposed lately. I will review the different experimental strategies being followed to search for ALPs potentially composing our dark matter galactic halo, as well as ALPs emitted by the Sun or produced at laboratories. I will focus on the new experimental approaches and their complementarity, but will also review the most relevant recent results from the consolidated strategies and the prospects of new generation experiments under consideration in the field. I will discuss the prospects to probe a large fraction of relevant parameter space in the coming decade.
How to get to Hornberg
There is a bus leaving on Monday September 24th at 8:00h at the parking lot of the Physics Institute. Please fill in the Doodle if you want to join.
The return trip from Hornberg to Freiburg will leave on Wednesday, September 26th at 18:00-18:15h and end again on the parking lot.
For those travelling by car, please see the map here below. Further information on construction sites on the way will be updated shortly before the workshop.
By car:
Follow the B 294 through Denzlingen, Waldkirch, Elzach directly until Hornberg. For further details see this map:
There are sufficient parking slots in front of the hotel.