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Gudrun Hiller - Directions for physics beyond the Standard Model (Current developments in flavor physics)

RTG seminar on June 16th, 2021

Recent anomalies in flavor data challenge the Standard Model of Particle Physics, hinting that lepton flavors may be more different than expected. Taken at face value, the anomalies give directions for model building and for further probes of new physics. The anomalies in the B-sector can be explained with semileptonic 4-fermion operators, which can be induced at tree level by leptoquarks. We therefore discuss leptoquark signatures at the LHC and future hadron colliders. We further present a recent model-independent analyses exploiting synergies between beauty and top physics using SMEFT. We demonstrate how the complementarity arises, once semileptonic 4-fermion operators are switched on, between the LHC, Belle II and an high energy electron or muon collider.

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